People With Albinism Get Sunscreen Lotions In Karoi

THE Lion’s Club International has donated sunscreen lotions and lipsticks to 20 beneficiaries in Karoi to protect their skin from damage from ultra-violet (UV) rays.
The timely donation was presented to beneficiaries by Lion’s Club International Zone 1 D and Karoi Lion’s Club chairperson, Takesure Musiiwa at a ceremony held in Karoi.
Musiiwa said the kind gesture was necessitated by need to alleviate the plight of people living with albinism, most of whom cannot afford the expensive lotions.
“On behalf of the zone and Karoi Lion’s Club we have managed to seek for some donations from the corporate world.
We have donated sunscreens and lipsticks to 20 people living with albinism.
“This is what we managed to donate as a gesture to say we live together, we are in one community, we are a family and we help each other. Where there is a need, there is a lion,” said Musiiwa.
Beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the Lion’s Club and other benefactors for coming to their help.
Some of the organisations that extended a helping hand in sourcing the sunscreens and lipsticks were Zimplats and Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (ZimRights).
People with albinism have skin that is sensitive to the sun’s ultra violet (UV) rays.
Exposure to sun results in serious complications associated with albinism, and increases risks of skin cancer as well as cracking and thickening of their skin.