Mnangagwa lifts Covid19 lockdown ban on churches

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday lifted the ban on churches announcing that they can reopen after almost two and half months under closure.
He however stressed the need to enforce strict social distancing alongside other preventive Coronavirus measures.
Mnangagwa also declared Monday June 15 the Presidential National Day of Prayer and Fasting to seek the Lord’s mercy, wisdom, help and healing to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.
He said the church was essential in the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic hence the decision to reopen.
“I wish to acknowledge that our church leaders are essential personnel in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus.
“Accordingly gatherings shall not exceed 50 people and observing all prescribed social distancing requirements are allowed throughout our nation,” said the President.
He said he will host a church service at State House in Harare that will be attended by church leaders from various denominations and broadcast to the public via live broadcast on ZBC, ZTN and social media streams.
“On this day, from 10 am to 12 pm, I invite the whole Nation to join me and Church leaders from various denominations, via live broadcast on ZBC, ZTN and social media streams, for a church service which I shall host at State House.
“Let us offer prayers of petition to the Lord that He may grant us His mercy, deliver us from this pestilence and give us the wisdom to take the effective steps to overcome it.
“I also urge you all on this day, to join us giving up one, two or all meals in fasting. It will be best to arrange to participate in this service as families, small groups or church services not exceeding 50 people, and observing the precautions we have been taking to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus,” said President Mnangagwa.
He appreciated churches for the contributions made in alleviating the plight of the disadvantaged during these difficult times.