ZINARA aligns operations to environmental best practices
By Staff Reporter
THE Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) managed to live up to the Environmental Social Governance (ESG) cause after launching a number Eco-Friendly projects in the just ended yearly reporting period.
ESG has become so important for a number of reasons which include assisting companies to align their operations with global sustainability goals, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and position operations in a way that does not compromise the environment for future generations.
Living up to the environmental cause, ZINARA has put in place plans to invest in renewable energy with procurement of solar system for all the 20 tollgates, offices and licensing centers now at an advanced stage.
This should reduce the power that is taken from the national grid and reduce hazards from other emitting sources of energy.
“On the biodiversity front, the Fund joined the nation in commemorating the national tree planting day showing its commitment to sustainability. Management took an active lead in the exercise.
“The Road fund engaged in corporate social responsibility activities that addressed biodiversity as evidenced by the donation of 500 trees in Mt Darwin during the tree planting day in partnership with the Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe,” said the ZINARA 2023 Report.
To ensure environmental sustainability, the organisation continues to set objectives linked to sustainable environmental management on the back of the 3R strategy which is premised on an approach to reduce the amount of solid waste through reducing, reusing and recycling, is adopted and supported by related activities.
During the period under review, ZINARA engaged in activities meant to keep a clean environment including, but not limited to participating in the National Clean Up campaign.
In addition to this, ZINARA has deployed plastic bins around its offices to allow the depositing of waste according to the nature of the waste; with bio- degradable and non-biodegradable waste having separate dedicated bins.
“Further planting of snake chasers (Cist rum) was done at most of our tolling sites to mitigate presence of snakes at tollgates with a two-pronged dual impact of ensuring security of employees and harmonious extermination of human-wildlife conflict, thus promoting biodiversity,” the report added.