‘Our stay on earth is not permanent’ – says Mnangagwa in mourning the late PS ,Mphambela

By Staff Reporter
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has implored the late War Vets Ministry Perm Sec ,Clive Mphambela’s family to accept the untimely loss at hand.
Mphambela was involved in a car accident on July 27 2024 and died almost 24 hours after the accident.
He was flown from the accident scene in Chivhu to Harare.
The visibly shaken Mnangagwa implored the deceased’s family to accept the fate and be consoled by remembering that God alone has the absolute decision on everything.
“No one among us; you might be a prophet, a President of a country, a great farmer , no one can delete what God would have written or planned.We need to accept what God would have done to an individual.WQe cannot challenge God, so we just accept what would have happened because no onme , even myself knows his day.Everyone has got his day when he will be taken away from this earth.I am 81 years old, you might be tempted to calculate your age an say since I am 50 years old, how many years am I left with to get to 81.No it does not work that way , these years are mine and you will have yours,”
“I was getting regular updates about his condition from the day the tragic accident occurred outside Chivhu on the Harare –Masvingo Road .I heard he was going to Masvingo on official duty.We thought he would recover .On behalf of the Government,Public Service Commission , my family and my own behaqlf would recover .On behalf of the government, Public Service Commission, my family and on my own behalf we convey our condolences. You have lost a husband,father, uncle…we say may God the Almighty give him rest wherever he is,” he said.
Mnangagwa said under the Second Republic he did not forget the country’s long history, and after the 2023 harmonized elections, he upgraded the Department (of War Veterans ) for it to be a fully- fledged Ministry in order to l take custody of the history, the challenges the country went through.
“On October 10 2023,I promoted Mphambela to be Permanent Secretary of the new ministry. For that post you are not just picked from a communal well, it would have been established , among others, beyond doubt that you are elevated .So he is our hero who worked for our country, he was promoted to where he was because of hard work and he was dependable but God had his plans.
“Clive was born on July 27 1973.He was an associate member of the Institute of Bankers, full member of International Financial Markets Association, very few here in Zimbabwe attained that status .So he had the education to develop our country.He had a comprehensive grasp of banking , he understood banking issues , he had top-notch knowledge on banking specializing in private equity.
“He became vice president and secretary general and arbiter of the Zimbabwe Chess Federationa feat conferred on intelligent people.He became Advocate and Marketinmg Executive for Bankers Association of Zimbabwe from 2013 to 2019,where he organized policy on Advocacy.He did great work before he left.I am sure those whom he has left will strive to emulate him bevause he was good in that area.
“He then joined the Government in 2019 as the chief director responsible for Communications and Adviocacy in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Developmen,” he said.