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Mnangagwa increases gvt workers earnings from US$40 to the current US$350 plus in five years

By Staff Writer

PRESIDENT Emerson Mnangagwa’s administration has managed to increase the civil servants salaries from a paltry amount of US$40 per month in 2019 to the current level of about US$350.

While admittedly the salary component remains very low with a huge chunk being constituted of allowances, gross earnings have indeed increased in US$ terms over the last five years.

A recent Memo signed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) secretary, Dr Rosemary Choruma confirms the latest developments.

“Treasury concurred to the review of the 2023 remunerationfor PSC and Pensioners effective April 1 2023.The approved review is as follows; 100% remuneration review to gross ZWL emoluments from Deputy Director and below for all sectors.

“Reviewing Cushioning and Covid Allowance from US$200 to US$250 per month across all sectors, excluding health sector whilst government pensioners will be paid US$100 per month in US$ Nostro Accounts paid concurrently with ZWL salaries,” said.

Choruma said the health sector shall be paid a US$200 allowance in the same manner.

She also revealed that teachers will receive US$80 Teaching Allowance payable at the prevailing inter-bank rate with effect from April 1 2023.

The Teaching Allowance replaced the previously introduced School Fees payment facility which will be discontinued from second term.

“Please note that The Transport, Housing, Representation and Special Civil Service Allowances have been consolidated to Administration and In-Service Allowances and is calculated as 30% and 70% of basic salary respectively,” she added.

Taking the teachers allowance into perspective, the current allowance of US$250 plus the ZWL component of around ZW$180k calculated using the obtaining parallel market rate at the highest end of US$1:ZWL1 600 gives roughly US$112,5.

This effectively means that 0civil servants combined earnings are currently above US$350.

Despite the improvement, most government workers remain concerned of the fact that their earnings are still below the Poverty Datum Line   (PDL) and the required cost of living for an average family.

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One Comment

  1. You are wrong, there is no increase there, these workers were earning USD540 in 2018 which gvt reduced to USD40. So where is

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