Zim Covid19 cases now back to 34

ZIMBABWE’s confirmed Covid19 cases have been revised downwards to 34 down from the initially reported 40 cases.
In an update, the Health Ministry said an error caused by clustering the other six results exposed that mistake after a rigorous quality assurance exercise.
“THE Ministry would like to report the results of the Quality Assurance process instituted following an unusual clustering of six cases that were reported as positive from Harare on the 29th of April 2020 have confirmed all of them were negative for Covid19.i.
“Additionally, all the PCR tests done in Harare yesterday were negative for Covid19.Therefore to date Zimbabwe still has 34 Confirmed Covid19 cases and not forty as previously reported,” said the update.
The Health Ministry reassured the nation that all results continue to be guided by the values and principles of professionalism, transparency and accountability and that the systems in place will assure continued reporting of accurate and reliable results in line with our Quality Management System.
“In the meantime today a total of 977 tests were done giving a total of 9 291 screening and diagnostic tests done to date. Results for all the PCR tests done in Harare and Bulawayo to date were still pending at the time of print,” the update added.