
Coronavirus scare hits Zimbabwe as deadly disease spreads beyond China

Staff Writer

THE 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) scare has gripped Zimbabwe forcing authorities to work hand in hand with China urging citizens within the two closely related nations to delay travel at a time when the disease has spread into other European nations.

The Health Ministry in Zimbabwe has since responded swiftly by setting up a surveillance screening center to cater for all people coming into Zimbabwe.

Reports on the disease coming in from sources within government indicate that the two nations are working closely to contain the deadly disease.

Zimbabwe receives many people of Chinese national who come in to as tourists and for business.

So far the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced two new cases of novel coronavirus in the United States, bringing the total to five across four states.

The affected individuals had returned from Wuhan, a city in the Hubei province in China.

Recently, reports of a coronavirus outbreak in the city of Wuhan in China’s Hubei Province have flooded the world’s news. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) causes respiratory illness of varying severity.

“Initially, the authorities believed that viral transmission was occurring solely from animal-to-human at a particular animal market in the region. However, in many later cases, people had not had access to these markets, making human-to-human transmission likely,” CDC said.

To date, 2019-nCoV has infected many people in China, predominantly in the Hubei province.

Experts have linked about 80 deaths to 2019-nCoV, all in China.

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“There are now a growing number of cases appearing in countries outside of China, including Taiwan, Australia, Japan, France, Thailand, Vietnam, and Nepal,” said Medical News Today.

In a recent press release, the CDC said “We are leaning forward with an aggressive public health response strategy and working closely with state and local public health authorities to identify potential cases early and make sure patients get the best and most appropriate care.”

According to health experts ,human infection with coronaviruses is common but they usually cause nothing more than a cold.

A range of animals are also susceptible to coronaviruses, but these viruses do not tend to transmit to humans.

However, in some cases, an animal coronavirus can jump from animal to human. For instance, the viruses that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003 and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak in 2012.

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