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Biti convicted for assaulting top investor Tatitana Aleshina

By Staff Writer

TOP lawyer and politician, Tendai Biti will forever regret the day he attacked a member of the investors community following his loss in the case against  Tatiana Aleshina.

 Following a long trial on the matter, Harare Magistrate, Vongai Guwuriro Monday  convicted  Biti after she found him guilty of assaulting businesswoman and investor  Aleshina at the Harare Magistrates Court sometime in 2020.

“What remains critical is that she went to receive medication. She was prescribed some medication although she refused to be admitted.

“It is not in dispute that the accused and complainant had a verbal altercation on the day in question and the accused called the complainant a stupid idiot.

“The evidence that is clearly standing out is that the accused pointed a finger at the complainant.

“The State has managed to prove that the accused uttered the words which the accused confirmed himself.

“All the witnesses are credible witnesses and the court has no reason to doubt their testimonies.

“The evidence of all the state witnesses cannot be said to be worthless as alleged by the accused.

“For those reasons, I find the accused person guilty,” said Guwuriro.

The prosecution followed an incident at the Harare Magistrates Court, where there was an exchange of words between him and Aleshina, who is involved in a property dispute with one of Biti’s clients.

The ex-Finance Minister denied wrongdoing, admitting calling Aleshina an “idiot”, but maintained that there was no physical confrontation.

He argued that he was being charged a highly questionable and the most desperate of all charges.

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